Program putovanja:
Croatia incoming, Day Trips, Plitvice Lakes
The Plitvice Lakes; there is no place in Europe that could rival the beauty of these lakes, the cascades and waterfalls that link them, the lush flora and rare mountain fauna, especially the now endangered European brown bear.
This National Park, the oldest in the country (founded in 1949) is situated less than a two hour drive from the capital.
The impact of a one-day excursion to Plitvice is immediately visible:
if you like nature, the magnificence and beauty of the water and vegetation will leave you feeling refreshed for many days.
It is no exaggeration but a fact proven by the yearly average of nearly a million visitors!
Come, see, make a memory!
Često postavljena pitanja
Mogućnosti plaćanja
JEDNOKRATNO - Gotovina - Kreditne kartice: Maestro, Master card, Visa, Diners, Visa Premium card - Virmansko plaćanje na račun agencije u Erste banci, IBAN: HR4924020061100096516 ili PLAĆANJE NA RATE - Za sva obročna plaćanja od 2-12 rata agencija obračunava manipulativne troškove u iznosu od 5%. Maestro kartica ( Zagrebačka banka, Privredna banka Zagreb, ERSTE ) do 12 rata - Visa Premium karticu na 12 obroka - Diners card do 12 rata beskamatno (ovisno o iznosu) - Mastercard ( Zagrebačka banka ) do 12 rata (ovisno o iznosu) - Mogućnost obročnog plaćanja obuhvaća i korisnike debitnih kartica sljedećih banaka MBNET grupacije: KentBank, Slatinske banke, Primorske banke, Istarske kreditne Banke, Jadranske banke, Kreditne banke Zagreb. (plaćanje u poslovnici)