Program putovanja:
Croatia incoming, city tour Zagreb
When you travel to a foreign country the best way to get to know the locals is to live a day like they do.
On this tour we will take you first to the market place, do the shopping and then prepare lunch ourselves with a help of our chefs. You will not only enjoy the food, stories but become yourself part of this story....Come and cook with us!
Često postavljena pitanja
Mogućnosti plaćanja
JEDNOKRATNO - Gotovina - Kreditne kartice: Maestro, Master card, Visa, Diners, Visa Premium card - Virmansko plaćanje na račun agencije u Erste banci, IBAN: HR4924020061100096516 ili PLAĆANJE NA RATE - Za sva obročna plaćanja od 2-12 rata agencija obračunava manipulativne troškove u iznosu od 5%. Maestro kartica ( Zagrebačka banka, Privredna banka Zagreb, ERSTE ) do 12 rata - Visa Premium karticu na 12 obroka - Diners card do 12 rata beskamatno (ovisno o iznosu) - Mastercard ( Zagrebačka banka ) do 12 rata (ovisno o iznosu) - Mogućnost obročnog plaćanja obuhvaća i korisnike debitnih kartica sljedećih banaka MBNET grupacije: KentBank, Slatinske banke, Primorske banke, Istarske kreditne Banke, Jadranske banke, Kreditne banke Zagreb. (plaćanje u poslovnici)