Program putovanja:
Croatia incoming, Day Trips, Zagorje East
Let us explore the North of Croatia, part of the country known by the name of Zagorje.
A hilly countryside, wine region, mediaeval castles. We will visit the most famous one, nowadays in its more recent form dating back to the 19th century, Trakošćan.
Afterwards the road takes us to Lepoglava where we will have lunch in a very unexpected environment. Surprise, surprise! We will be finishing the day with the most beautiful baroque city of Croatia, that once was even the capital of the state, the city of Varaždin, also known as Little Vienna. In 2010.
Forbes magazine ranked Varaždin the best place to live in Croatia, check out why!
Često postavljena pitanja
Mogućnosti plaćanja
JEDNOKRATNO - Gotovina - Kreditne kartice: Maestro, Master card, Visa, Diners, Visa Premium card - Virmansko plaćanje na račun agencije u Erste banci, IBAN: HR4924020061100096516 ili PLAĆANJE NA RATE - Za sva obročna plaćanja od 2-12 rata agencija obračunava manipulativne troškove u iznosu od 5%. Maestro kartica ( Zagrebačka banka, Privredna banka Zagreb, ERSTE ) do 12 rata - Visa Premium karticu na 12 obroka - Diners card do 12 rata beskamatno (ovisno o iznosu) - Mastercard ( Zagrebačka banka ) do 12 rata (ovisno o iznosu) - Mogućnost obročnog plaćanja obuhvaća i korisnike debitnih kartica sljedećih banaka MBNET grupacije: KentBank, Slatinske banke, Primorske banke, Istarske kreditne Banke, Jadranske banke, Kreditne banke Zagreb. (plaćanje u poslovnici)