Program putovanja:
Croatia incoming, Day Trips, Zagorje West - Green heart of Zagreb region
This trip will take you to the green heart of Zagreb region, Hrvatsko Zagorje.
Our first stop, a bit more than an hour from Zagreb, is Kumrovec , a small village known by many for being the place where Josip Broz Tito was born. This beautiful Zagorje village is situated on the wooded banks of the river Sutla which runs alongside the border with Slovenia.
After the visit to the authentic ethno village we shall proceed to the castle of Veliki Tabor, the most spectacular of many mediaval fortifications in this area. Built on the top of a hill (approximately 330 meters above sea level) its mass ice fortified walls, towers and turrets make it a true castle. Today Veliki Tabor Castle operates as a museum, displaying antique medieval weapons and tools.
An extensive renovation project was recently completed and the interior now contains a museum with highlights of the castle's history including the legend of Veronika of Desinic. Indulging the excellent local food we will enjoy a beautiful views towards the castle and after that as a perfect end to our day cup of coffee and famous Samobor custard pie.
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Mogućnosti plaćanja
JEDNOKRATNO - Gotovina - Kreditne kartice: Maestro, Master card, Visa, Diners, Visa Premium card - Virmansko plaćanje na račun agencije u Erste banci, IBAN: HR4924020061100096516 ili PLAĆANJE NA RATE - Za sva obročna plaćanja od 2-12 rata agencija obračunava manipulativne troškove u iznosu od 5%. Maestro kartica ( Zagrebačka banka, Privredna banka Zagreb, ERSTE ) do 12 rata - Visa Premium karticu na 12 obroka - Diners card do 12 rata beskamatno (ovisno o iznosu) - Mastercard ( Zagrebačka banka ) do 12 rata (ovisno o iznosu) - Mogućnost obročnog plaćanja obuhvaća i korisnike debitnih kartica sljedećih banaka MBNET grupacije: KentBank, Slatinske banke, Primorske banke, Istarske kreditne Banke, Jadranske banke, Kreditne banke Zagreb. (plaćanje u poslovnici)